Pizza Talk

Wednesday Talks: Evaluating the Role of Maize During Socio-Political Transformations at Formative Tres Zapotes

Abstract: Tres Zapotes is an important site in the broader discussion of Olmec cultural continuity and formative period political economy with an archaeological record that spans the two millennia between 1000 B.C. and A.D. 1000.

Wednesday Talk: 2022 Fieldwork in Bocas del Toro, Panama

Abstract: For at least 2,000 years before Spanish arrival in 1502, the province of Bocas del Toro, Panama, sustained numerous vibrant cultures. However, little archaeological research has been done in this area. For decades, this area has been considered a ‘cultural backwater’ with only simple, small-scale settlements. Dr. Tom Wake’s excavations at Sitio Abuelitas and Sitio Drago on Isla Colon, the largest island in Bocas del Toro, have altered this picture as burials, house mounds, and artifacts from across Central America have been found.