Event: Weds Talk: On the Early Intellectual Origins of Yingzao Fashi 營造法式: the Chinese Neolithic Site Shimao and the Reinforcement Technology of Chinese Ancient City Walls

Date & Time

October 11, 2023 - 12:00pm to 12:45pm
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Contact Information

Sumiji Takahashi
Phone 310-825-4169


Fowler A222 (Seminar Room)

Event Type

Pizza Talk

Event Details

ABSTACT: Renmu (絍木 “reinforcing timber”) is a timber component that was used to build ancient city walls. It is recorded in the early twelfth-century compilation of architectural principles known as Yingzao fashi營造法式 (Principles and Forms of Architectural Constructions). Wendan is willing to share

her stories about how to explore renmu’s function and reconstruct its form by interpreting documents and analyzing similar remains from ancient city sites. And based on the shear strength reduction finite

element technique, she attempts to verify the feasibility of reconstruction using the Abaqus software to analyze the overall stability of the slope in these reconstruction schemes.

BIO: Wendan Wang is from Hunan, China. She received her BA in Archaeology at Jilin University. Her next destination was Nanjing University where she was trained as an architectural archaeologist and obtained an MA. Her doctoral research will focus on Chinese buildings and settlements in the late Neolithic Age.

Renmu (絍木 “reinforcing timber”) is a timber component that was used to build ancient city walls. It is recorded in the early twelfth-century compilation of architectural principles known as Yingzao fashi營造法式 (Principles and Forms of Architectural Constructions). Wendan is willing to share her stories about how to explore renmu’s function and reconstruct its form by interpreting documents and analyzing similar remains from ancient city sites. And based on the shear strength reduction finite element technique, she attempts to verify the feasibility of reconstruction using the Abaqus software to analyze the overall stability of the slope in these reconstruction schemes.